Focus on solar energy : ages 11-14

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Submitted by taoufik.jlil on
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The use of the free and unlimited energy provided by the sun is being developed around the world. This energy is transformed directly into by dark blue photovoltaic panels, arranged in thousands in huge land-based parks or fixed in small numbers on the roof of a house. The sun's energy can also be converted into , used to turn turbines or to run a solar water heater or oven. Here is an overview of this renewable and carbon-free energy.

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Focus on the "City of the Future": ages 11-14

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Energy questions
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Tomorrow is yours. But how will you live in the big cities of the future? Houses will be better insulated against cold and heat, and digital technology will make it possible to better manage heating systems. Greener mobility such as cycling and car sharing will be favoured. Urban planning will be more sustainable with the development of new "eco-districts". All of these actions will contribute to improving the quality of life in the city and fighting against . Here is an overview of this topic.

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Focus on Responsible Consumption Learning pathway: Ages 15-18

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Submitted by tariq.chafi on
Energy questions
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“Responsible consumption” is everyone’s business – in France, Europe and worldwide – because combating global warming requires a universal commitment. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we need to consume both less and more efficiently, thereby ensuring that everyone has access to energy. Learn about this multi-faceted issue here.
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Focus on Responsible Consumption Learning pathway: Ages 11-14

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Why is “responsible consumption” so important and how do we achieve it? First, we need to understand the “carbon footprint” of the items and devices we use every day. From their production in factories to their disposal, they each have their own “life cycle”, consuming energy at each stage. By taking care of these items and them, we can contribute to a virtuous “circular economy”. Learn what all these terms mean here.

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Sustainable Mobility: Ages 11-14

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Energy questions
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You’ve probably heard about “green mobility”. It means walking, biking, scootering, roller-skating and other ways of getting around that aren’t powered by an engine. Green mobility is just one part of what’s known as “sustainable mobility”. This is a more general term covering transportation options that don’t use a lot of energy, don’t emit much carbon dioxide, don’t require too much heavy-duty manufacturing and can be taken by a large number of travelers. Come with us as we take a closer look.

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Sustainable Mobility: Ages 15-18

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Energy questions
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“Mobility”, or all the different ways to get people and goods from one place to another, is an industry moving forward in leaps and bounds. This is mainly because of digital technology and artificial intelligence, which are making it possible to guide cars, run car-sharing systems and platforms more efficiently and build smarter cities. But it’s also because of a new breed of vehicles powered by electricity, and . See where things stand in France and around the world.

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Focus on Sustainable Energy: Ages 15-18

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Submitted by tariq.chafi on
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What is the difference between “sustainable energy” and “renewable energy”? Both are vital to successfully driving the energy transition and, by extension, protecting the planet. But it is important to make sure that solar, wind, and other sources do not use up too many natural resources (such as minerals) or require overly large and costly equipment. That is why energy systems need to be studied as a whole, with close attention paid to each stage in the “life cycle”.

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Focus on Sustainable Energy: Ages 11-14

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Submitted by tariq.chafi on
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Watch your words! What is “sustainable energy”? First of all, it is energy that is “renewable” (solar, wind, geothermal, etc.) – but that is only half the story. To be sustainable, an energy source must not exhaust natural resources, such as rare minerals, or rely on overly costly, hard-to-recycle equipment to generate power. Put simply, close attention needs to be paid upstream and downstream, while avoiding waste at all costs.

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All About Ocean Energy & hydraulic: Ages 15-18

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Submitted by tariq.chafi on
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Types of Energy
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Since Antiquity, hydropower has been harvested from river currents and waterfalls. Today, there is growing interest in ocean energy, not just from the force of water (tides, currents, waves), but also from the power of wind ( turbines). More complex technologies also exist that exploit the potential of ocean temperature differences, seawater properties and algae . Capturing the energy in oceans is a difficult process that involves a wide range of technologies and professions. Here is an overview of the different “blue energies”.

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All About Heating: Ages 15-18

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Submitted by tariq.chafi on
High School
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There are many different ways to heat your house or apartment, and they’re getting more and more efficient. From boilers to heat pumps and solar collectors, the equipment is constantly being perfected. District heating systems also have advantages as collective solutions. Here is an overview of efficient, sustainable heating systems.

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