The Responsible Consumption Quiz - Expert level

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The Responsible Consumption Quiz - Medium level

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The Responsible Consumption Quiz - Easy level

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All About Ocean Energy & hydraulic: Ages 11-14

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Middle School
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Oceans cover 70% of the Earth’s surface. They constitute a vast reserve of energy produced by moving water, sea breezes or . The challenge is capturing the energy, a task that isn’t easy. As always, it’s a question of choosing the right technologies, which evolve constantly, without doing harm to the environment. Here is a broad overview of the different ocean energies, also known as “blue energies”.

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Wind energy for ages 15-18

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High School
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, which finds its source in wind strength and can be transformed into , is rapidly developing worldwide. wind turbines, installed off coastlines worldwide, open a wide range of possibilities for the growth of this . Spotlight on this challenge.

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Wind energy for ages 11-14

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Middle School
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Learn how wind’s strength is harnessed to convert it into electricity. Onland or offshore wind turbines are efficient structures for doing so, with their high masts and rotor-generator units. Together with solar energy, wind energy is one of the major renewable energies of tomorrow.

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What is an eco-district?

An eco-district is an urban area where everything is organized to manage energy consumption, reduce CO2 emissions and pollution, ensure waste and manage water in the best possible way. It must also offer efficient public transport and promote green mobility such as cycling. A way to make the lifestyle of city dwellers more pleasant and sustainable!

Elementary Middle School
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Planète Energies is a site specifically designed for elementary and secondary school students and teachers.

It offers a variety of content to help young people better understand the energy transition challenges and raise their awareness of more responsible energy consumption.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, Planète Energies website recorded over a million visits, 5,000 registered teachers and 200 class conferences held throughout France. Planète Energies is a TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation program, created in 2005.

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Planète Energies

An eco-district is an urban area where everything is organized to manage energy consumption, reduce emissions and pollution, ensure waste recycling and manage water in the best possible way. It must also offer efficient public transport and promote green mobility such as cycling. A way to make the lifestyle of city dwellers more pleasant and sustainable!

Focus on energy conversions and storage

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Submitted by taoufik.jlil on
Middle School
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Energy is constantly changing, whether it's in a turbo-alternator, thermal and electric motors of a hybrid car or in a battery. You will review the main units of energy and check your knowledge with a quick quiz.

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Focus on sources, forms and vectors of energy

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Middle School
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Review all the energy sources (fossil, decarbonized, renewable) and their main characteristics. In a few videos, animations and interactive games, you will understand how they are produced and how they reach you.

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Focus on solar energy : ages 15-18

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Submitted by taoufik.jlil on
High School
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Types of Energy
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Planète Énergies offers you a feature report dedicated to solar . First, we introduce the two main forms of photovoltaic and thermal solar power, followed by its expansion around the world with the major photovoltaic electricity-producing countries, as well as the share of solar power in the global .

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