Global Natural Gas Consumption

Updated on 03.06.2024

5 min read

Middle School High School
Life and earth sciences

Global gas consumption has decreased (3.1%) in 2022. mainly due to market turbulence caused by the war between Russia and Ukraine. Sanctions against Moscow calls for sufficiency and rising prices have led many countries to readjust their . The United States remains by far the biggest consumer, accounting for nearly a quarter of global consumption.

Global Natural Gas Consumption (in billions of cubic meters)

Source: Statistical Review of World Energy 2023
Country202120222021-22 changeShare of Global Consumption
United States835.8881.25.4 %22.4%
Russia474.6408.0-14 %10.4%
China380.3375.7-1.2 %9.5%
Iran236.5228.9-3.2 %5.8%
Canada117.0121.64.0 %3.1%
Saudi Arabia114.5120.45.2 %3.1%
Japan103.6100.5-2.0 %2.5%
Mexico97.396.6-0.8 %2.5%
Germany91.777.3-15.7 %2.0%
United Kingdom77.872.0-7.5 %1.8%
United Arab Emirates70.869.8-1.3 %1.8%
Italy72.465.3- 9.8 %1.7%
France43.038.4-10.8 %1.0%
Total World4,067.13,941.3-3.1 %100%
Global Natural Gas Consumption.pdf Global Natural Gas Consumption.pdf

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