Japan and Energy

Published on 11.09.2017

15 min read

High School
History, geography and geopolitics
Japan has turned research and innovation into the main drivers of its growth.

A large industrialized nation, Japan has turned research and a partnership between government authorities, companies and citizens into the main drivers of its growth. For decades, Japan has been studying and developing new forms of energy. The Fukushima nuclear accident further accentuated the country's need to better balance its and thereby reduce its dependency on imported fossil fuels and on , which worries the population. Today, Japan is accelerating its transformation, in the areas of both technology (renewable energies, and energy storage) and social structure (decentralized energy management and smart communities).


Japan's Search for Energy Balance

Japan, a densely populated and highly industrialized country with a limited inhabitable area and virtually no fossil fuels, has been looking into new energy sources and technological innovations for more than 50 years. This proactive approach has enabled it to become one of the world’s leaders in research on renewable energies and hydrogen.

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Japan and Its Advanced Hydrogen Research

Japan is the most advanced country in the world in terms of hydrogen research, with fuel cell­-powered products already available on the market, including passenger cars and building heating systems. Japanese researchers want to go a step further by aiming for a hydrogen society where hydrogen is produced, traded and consumed in large quantities, as oil is today.

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Japan & Energy

Japan and Energy in 15 images

Towards the hydrogen revolution.

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