Exploring for Oil and Gas Deposits

Published on 01.15.2015

15 min read

High School

Locating oil and gas deposits is a lengthy process. The steps include obtaining a license, locating the reservoirs, and performing a host of measurements to determine whether they can be developed. And the appraisal work continues during to enable the development decision to be made.


Exploration, a Multi-Stage Process

Exploring for oil and gas deposits is a lengthy, complex, expensive process performed by multidisciplinary teams of specialists: geologists, engineers, technicians, economists and advisors in international negotiations.

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A seismic survey vessel tows streamers of ultra-sensitive hydrophones on the Diaba license offshore

Locating a Potential Oil or Gas Deposit

To locate a potential deposit, technicians use techniques to scan the subsurface and produce a 2D or 3D image. Introduced in the 1930s, seismic reflection, which analyzes sound waves sent deep beneath the surface, has becoming increasingly precise, especially thanks to significant strides in information technology.

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How Exploration Drilling Works

Drilling consists of sinking a drill string into the ground while injecting a special mud. This allows fragments of rock and samples of gas to be brought back to the surface. Boreholes have to be drilled at several locations to delineate the potential deposit.

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