Energy in Europe

Published on 05.03.2024

10 min read

Middle School High School
History, geography and geopolitics
L'Europe de l'énergie

The European project began in the aftermath of the Second World War. Its first ambition was the quick reconstruction of countries to ensure lasting peace during the Cold War. But what are the geopolitical issues linked to Europe's today? What is the relationship between energy independence and today's climat challenges? Discover our educational ressources dedicated to energy in Europe. From the history of its construction to its 2050 objectives, via energy consumption and emissions in Europe.


Le traité de Rome

Europe's Energy History: a Story with Twists and Turns

The history of European construction began in the early 1950s with a decision by several countries to pool their production of coal.

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Europe's Climate Goals

Climate protection and energy independance: the European Union (EU) adopts an ambitious “green deal” for the planet.

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Energy: a Priority for the European Union

Europe was the first region in the world to enter the carbon era in the 19th Century, and is now declaring its ambition to be the first to find greener alternatives

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