All About Energy Quiz

Review physics and chemistry in a fun way! Review the different sources, forms and vectors of energy, as well as its conversion and storage.

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Quiz all about energy

Revise your Science Test! 

Let’s check the basics in physics and chemistry, with energy sources, conversion, and storage.  
Also, we've taken the example of an everyday technical object: the cell phone to understand its impact on the environment. 🤓📚


Physics-Chemistry and Technology Revisions

Focus on sources, forms and vectors of energy

Let’s check the basics in physics and chemistry, with energy sources, conversion and storage.

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Focus on energy conversions and storage

Focus on energy conversions and storage

Energy is constantly changing, whether it's in a turbo-alternator, thermal and electric motors of a hybrid car or in a battery.

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From Energy Sources to Environmental Impact

Focus on: the Cell Phone

Let’s check the basics in physics and chemistry, with energy sources and energy conversion and for technology, we studied an everyday technical object.

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Director Batteries & Hydropower at TotalEnergies
Research director at The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Photo de Philippe Blanc
Research director for MINES Paris – PSL university and is the head of its Energy and Processes Department (DEP)
Director of Institutional Relations and Communication, IFP Energies nouvelles
Member of the Academy of Technologies / former Director of Research and Innovation at ENGIE
Past high Commissioner at CEA
Manoelle Lepoutre
Former Executive Director at TotalEnergies Foundation
Former Chief Scientific Officer of Total
Senior Vice President, Public Interest and Managing Director of the Fondation TotalEnergies
Chief Technology Officer at TotalEnergies
Vice president of the Energy Committee, National Academy of Technologies of France (NATF)
Christine Trabado
Teaching qualification in physics, former project manager at the French Ministry of Education.

Planète Energies

Planète Energies is a site specifically designed for elementary and secondary school students and teachers.

It offers a variety of content to help young people better understand the energy transition challenges and raise their awareness of more responsible energy consumption.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, Planète Energies website recorded over a million visits, 5,000 registered teachers and 200 class conferences held throughout France. Planète Energies is a TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation program, created in 2005.